We Are Here To Help

Making Mental Health A Priority

Being a student can be extremely stressful. Combine that with being an athlete, and everyday life can feel overwhelming. Our goal is to support all student athletes in their journey toward maintaining a healthy mind. Mental health is the most important factor in finding success on and off the field.

We will provide free counseling services to all student athletes over the age of 14 in the state of Pennsylvania. Mental health services can be extremely costly with or without insurance, so much so many families cannot afford them. We aim to change that!

Get in touch.

If you or someone you know could benefit from counseling services please fill out the form below. All information is private and will never be shared! A representative from Primal Sports Charities will will assist you with all of your needs.


  • Counseling services are currently available.

  • Yes. All counseling services will come from Licensed Professional Counselors. Following all state and federal regulations is of the utmost importance for Primal Sports Charities.

  • Counseling services are intended for student athletes of all ages. But, we will never turn anyone away who needs our help. Since LPC are governed by state agencies student athletes in Pennsylvania will be the first to receive counseling.